Sunday, February 28, 2010

Finish this .

YOOOOOOOOOO!! Alright! I was putting air in my mouth in that photo..thats why..=D hahaha!! Alright alright!! SOOOOO!! What have you all been doing after Common test?!?! =D Time to relax? wait long long..There's still a lot more to come..Taking back the paper..these and that..blah blah blah..

The only thing i can't wait is getting my english result..If i pass.._!_ in hao's face..thanks..=D hahaha!! So yeah..not much is happening but F.I.R during saturday at lot 1 with Jassmine and SinLee..It was fun! I shaked their hands! hahaha!! Jassmine don't wanna go..then I go lor..hahaha!! =D lalalala!!

Alright alright!! One more thing!! Jassmine and SinLee gotten the same phone..AND IT'S THE SAME COLOUR! LOL! They have like..dam lot same things..who wanna have same things with me?? hahahah!!=P Alright alright! NIGHTS ALL!! =D SAYONARA!!

Their same phone..LOL!


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