Monday, February 8, 2010

I could not find any emotions to show .

Heyyyy!! *yawn* Woa woa woa! Just woke up from a 2 hours's very rare of me to take naps..Is either something's wrong..Or I'm freaking tired..Man! I'm not myself today! Wanna know why ?!??! I'm doing chinese work when it's not chinese..And i scored a amazing marks of 46/60..WOW! it's not over 100..but 60! WOW!! OVERWHELMING! hahahaa!! I was shocked of coursed when i saw that mark..It's a 76.5% overall..=D

Anyway! If I don't talk , something is very wrong..And my subjects will somehow score dam high..I shall talk less and study more..But later people think I emo..G_G Hmmm..HAHAHAHA!! Thinking back what happened today , I can't believe i just nodded my head , shaking my head or just moving my shoulder up and down for 4HOURS!! not a word..holy..LOL!

Alrighty! Less blogging , more revising! =D tomorrow got SS test! Gonna study for it! ( Bullshit ) Thanks Eivriel , Shaun and Karthik for asking whether I'm alright or not today..=D Alrighty!! SAYONARA!! =D

It's impossible to not worry .


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